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But Where Are You Really From?

But Where Are You Really From?




But Where Are You Really From? is a thought-provoking book about identity from CEO of Christian Aid, Amanda Khozi Mukwashi. Through telling the story of her experience as a Christian black woman with Zambian heritage, born and living in the UK, she explores issues of race and culture and how it feels to be judged on skin colour when identity is made up of so many things.

Until we share and make time to listen to a diversity of stories, dangerous assumptions will persist. This little book offers a challenge to those assumptions and polarising perceptions while celebrating the universal connections we all share. Read it, and discover a new perspective on identity, humanhood and hope.

But Where Are You Really From? is a book for anyone who wants to deepen their understanding of the current race and cultural transformation that is happening across the world today. A powerful story from the voice of a successful black woman, navigating the search for identity against a backdrop of faith, humanity and hope that needs to be heard.

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